E. Sellon, M. Breitenseher, M. Pones, J. Pones
MRI of the joints – draw, understand, memorise, diagnose!

"The perfect companion for everyday diagnosis practice."
Radiology thrives on the art of making medical diagnoses of patterns. The best way to memorise these is by applying explanatory graphs and diagrams. This book is intended for those interested in MR diagnosis of the joints and provides an essential resource for radiologists, orthopaedic surgeons, sports doctors and trauma surgeons. The radiology of the joints is explained on 100 pages, in 200 original hand drawings from Martin Breitenseher and using mnemonics. The publication is a bestseller in German and has now been translated into English. Special features:
- The important diagnostic patterns for the specialist area of joint MRI are discussed.
- The graphic representation extends the understanding of injuries and the anatomy.
- Clear visual language learning improves retention greatly.
- This book includes free access to a digital copy on eRef.
Editors: Edward Sellon, Martin Breitenseher, Julia Pones, Matthias Pones
1st English edition
Publication date: September 2020
- Softcover, Wire-O-Bindung, English
- 96 pages
- Größe: 21 × 29,7 × 0,7 cm
- ISBN: 978-3-902933-83-6
- 10.30415/9783902933836
- Presale price: € 49.90
(VAT included, shipping excluded)
The content of the book is available digitally at no additional cost in the platform eRef (access code in the book).
With the free eRef app, you always have plenty of content at hand, even offline. - Buy
NEW: this book was printed climate-neutral in Austria and is PEFC certified.
- Shoulder
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- Ankle joint & foot
The book "MRI of the Joints" is now available as translation of the newest, second German edition. With the help of almost 100 schematic drawings, normal anatomy as well as pathological changes of all relevant joints of the extremities are concisely brought to the point. Schematic drawings offer the unbeatable advantage of presenting essential aspects in a brief, easily comprehensible and transferable manner. This is excellently and lovingly realised in this book. What is the layout of the book like? In short – the best possible. At first it may be surprising that there are no MRI illustrations in the book. However, it soon becomes clear that this is not necessary, and even better. This makes it possible to concentrate fully on the essential features, which are accompanied by short explanations and memo sentences. Who is the target group for this book? In short – everyone. This book is suitable for doctors in radiology postgraduate training as well as for radiology specialists who are only temporarily involved in MSK imaging. But the book is also highly attractive beyond radiology, I am thinking here in particular of our neighbouring specialities of orthopaedics and trauma surgery. What can be said about the price? In short – more than reasonable. With a price just under 50€ and the additional option of electronic access via the eRef platform, this book is indispensable in every workplace where MSK imaging takes place. Conclusion: concise, accurate, impressive, it should not be missing anywhere.
Meinrad Beer, MD PhD
Klinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie
Universitätsklinikum Ulm
M. Breitenseher
MRT der Gelenke, 2. Auflage

„Zeichnen, verstehen, memorieren, diagnostizieren!“
Die Radiologie lebt von der Kunst, aus Mustern medizinische Diagnosen zu erstellen. Zwar ist die Vermittlung von medizinischen Mustern mit Text und Tabellen möglich, sie gelingt indes am besten mit Zeichnungen und Schemata, die direkt und unmittelbar einleuchten, als Sekundenphänomen oder wie ein Geistesblitz. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Interessierte der MR-Diagnostik der Gelenke; es unterstützt die Aufgaben der Radiologie, der Orthopädie, der Sportmedizin und auch der Unfallchirurgie. Seine einheitliche Struktur macht das Buch seit mehreren Jahren zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter in der täglichen Praxis. Für die vorliegende zweite Auflage wurde die Publikation komplett aktualisiert und überarbeitet. Auf 100 Seiten werden 200 teils komplexe Zeichnungen im Original vorgeführt und mit Merksätzen untermauert. Dieses Buch „MRT der Gelenke – von der Zeichnung zur sicheren Diagnose“
- vermittelt die wichtigen diagnostischen Muster zum Thema MRT der Gelenke,
- erweitert durch graphische Problemdarstellung das Verständnis,
- verbessert dank der visuellen Sprache nachhaltig die Merkfähigkeit,
- stärkt mit dieser Methode die Diagnosekraft und
- befeuert mit dem eigenen (Nach-)Zeichnen die kreative Wissensentwicklung.
Editor: Martin Breitenseher
2nd German Edition
Publication date: September 2020
- Softcover, Wire-O-Bindung, German
- 96 pages
- Size: 21 × 30,2 × 3 cm
- ISBN: 978-3-902933-82-9
- DOI: 10.30415/9783902933829
- Presale price: € 49.90
(VAT included, shipping excluded)
The content of the book is available digitally at no additional cost in the platform eRef (access code in the book).
With the free eRef app, you always have plenty of content at hand, even offline. - Buy
NEW: this book was printed climate-neutral in Austria and is PEFC certified.
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